Saturday, July 27, 2013

Government IS the problem.

Good Day,
This is my first attempt and blogging. I will tell you this is my written word. I did however copy and paste it from another blog I wrote without knowing it was being put in the blogisphere. I have added some to it so it is only partially pre-written.
My intent in my blogs is to convince you that the biggest reason the govt. has the power they do today is because long ago someone figured out if they divide the us peons, they can maintain control because we will be so busy fighting amongst ourselves we will not see that they are gaining control on bit at a time.
Hollywood in their infinite wisdom has shown us this in plain view so many times. "Mr. Smith goes to Washington." "Dave"  "The Distinguished Gentleman" "The Best man" I could go on and on.
Even the lawyer shows. Look at the Prosecutors and the Defense Lawyers, They fight like cats and dogs in court then have beers afterward. Congress is the same way. You can include the White House in this. The President talks about how the other side is making it hard for him to make your life perfect, on TV, Then has big lavish parties and invites the very names he was criticizing that very afternoon.
Elitists Gone Wild, Now the press is in on it. All the press. And they are playing the same games. This network is in the tank with the Republicans. That one is in  the tank for the Democrats. Open your eyes. Look at the actual folly being played out on us.
When the current President was campaigning in 08 My wife and I were listening to one of his speeches on TV and about half way thought it she said "Man he's a great speaker."
At that I looked at her and said "LISTEN TO WHAT HE'S SAYING. HE IS GOING TO MAKE THIS A WELFARE STATE." Sorry, but I said it to her in a up lifted loud voice because I saw that she had been sucked in to this rhetoric.
After looking back in history, this didn't even start 100 years ago. It started at the beginning. The Founders put this country together and after long loud debate voted and ratified the constitution. Trust me enemies were made of friends. But in the end they all realized with differences Government can not be allowed to be un-restricted. That is why the current President said in I believe 2004 that in his opinion the constitution is too restrictive. He believes it keeps government from helping people live good lives. In other words it keeps government from running things unhindered by the people being governed, which is exactly what they knew needed to be.
Yes it has been happening since the beginning, but only about 100 to 120 years ago is when the actual posturing started. That's when the shining city on the hill started getting tarnish build up, there have been many who have tried to stop it. Even a few Presidents have pushed. Some wound up dead for their efforts, Others left giving us stark warnings. But most had started in the cesspool of congress and learned about power. For them the highest office in the land was just that. When they got there they started pay back to those who had helped them. Did you know the Harry Truman used his own personal car when traveling? He even bought his own gas. Did you know that because he was so dirt poor after leaving the White House, Congress voted for the first time to give the President a retirement pension?
Can you see Congress allowing such a thing to happen now? Not because he is the President of the United States. Because it gives them the ability to write their own checks without him opposing it. Are you starting to see the pattern here?
Remember, Everyone in the US; legal or illegal alien has health care. Walk into any emergency room and you will be treated for any ailment. What the President  promoted and most of Congress backed is Free Health Insurance provided by the Government. Think about this. Each state receives Federal Government funds. When the Government wants the state to do something it threatens to withhold these funds until the state complies.

If the Government wants you do vote a certain way or do something else for them what will they do to you to get their agenda passed? Start a program that gives people at the lowest end of the spectrum a gift card. Free. What those people don't see at first is there is a very long string attached and DC starts right away rolling that string up. Little rules here and little rules there until they have them hooked. then they are dependent and now they will campaign hard to keep those cards. Then other people discover there's money to be made from these people who have started groups that protest restrictions. Boom control at a low level. Then they start building on this. Nudging, easy, little rules, nudge.
Over the last 75 years this has slowly festered, The President has appointed Czars to handle nearly everything the cabinet does. This means these Czars can institute policy without congressional oversight. This upsets the balance of power. I don't want that kind of Government control over me. He's not the first to do this we all know, However he has gone far beyond the others before him, and he has gotten away with it. This is now the most powerful government the US has ever had. So where are we now?
One of the things you are hearing now in the news is that the Government is the only thing to solve our current problems. Since when has the Government ever solved anything? They told the elderly they would help them with Medicare. They told us they would help people in later life, they would have social security. Both are within 10 years of bankruptcy. It took less than 50 years for both to go broke. Why? Government control. The Government was broke 40 years ago.

This is not a party in power issue. This is the elitist group that we have been electing for 60 years in one congressman's case. Make no mistake. The last several elections have been about holding power. These career politicians have been making sure they get re-elected. That is all they do. That is their agenda. They get money spent in their district and then run home to tell their constituents, look what I have done for you. My question is this; What do you ever really get for all their spending?

Again you have started hearing about how the constitution was written with huge restrictions on government power over the people and the states. They are telling you how wrong this is. That the Government should be able to help you live your life. That It should be your savior. Your nanny. That only It can help you. That if you submit to the Government you will be cared for. Sort of like a place called the USSR. Remember how they took total care of their people?

There's an old saying. "Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely."
Think about that and ask yourself, do you want to live in a country modeled after the USSR? If you doubt me, ask yourself why these new Presidential appointees are called Czars? The Government already has more power than the founding fathers wanted it to have. Over the last 100 or so years the politicians have been gaining more and more power in the name of helping you have a better life. They are on the verge of having absolute power and they know it.

The Chief of Staff at the White House said it best. Never let a crisis go without doing things you couldn't do otherwise.
In other words. "We, the American people are in terrible trouble.
"I'm from the Government and I'm here to help." I'm the only one who can help you."
"You can't do it alone. Give me the power to help you. Give me complete control over your life and I will make it better. "

"We the people" have to fix this. Did you know there was an economic depression in 1920? You likely didn't know that. Why, because the Government didn't want you to. Do you know why? Because in the case of that depression the US Government did absolutely nothing to fix it and one year later the depression was gone. Capitalism fixed the problem itself. Go figure.
So many people told the Government to stay out of this in August and September of 08. Why didn't the Government listen? Control.

Since this is my first on purpose blog I'm going over many extras here.
I will close every blog with this fact:
If you re-elect anyone you will be leaving the power mongers in place and they will continue to gain control. We can only elect 1/3 of the Senate every two years. However we can elect the entire House of Reps. every two years. In 2014 if we re-elect none of the incumbents it is my simple minded opinion that the 2/3 if the Senate left will open their collective eyes. However the next two elections have got to do the same thing in the Senate. Do not leave one incumbent in the Senate.

One agenda every candidate must have is to Amend the Constitution with Term limits.
6 terms for House and 2 for Senate. Anyone going to Washington who can't get what they want done in 12 years shouldn't be there, and everyone who gets what they wanted done in 12 years was a good choice, Thank you for your service. Now go home.

Second Agenda every candidate must have. Congress gets no retirement after serving.
They chose to go there to do something and that is enough. The good ones will have speaking tours for life and make millions the free enterprise way. The so so ones get to go back to their life. Though I believe they will not have it so bad.
But no tax payer funded life time pension.

This will be a good start. Thanks for letting me share..

More later.
Have a great weekend

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