Sunday, July 28, 2013

Division is an Industry

Good Day,
It's called several things but I like "The Civil Rights industry."
It is a very diverse industry, It's not particularly liberal or conservative but the biggest players and most recognized names do happen to be liberal giants.
Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, Barry Obama, Eric Holder, Groups like Planned Parenthood, LBGT, There are too many to list. On the flipped side are John McCain, John Cornyn, NRA, and again others.

Sharpton and Jackson have really built the industry. They are the ones who have literally made a living keeping the pot stirring all these years. Now when the country is reaching a point when we need unity more than ever The President, Attorney General, and huge numbers of Congress are joining the fray. If you actually listen to the words these people and groups are using you will hear it's all about keeping you and I divided. As long as we are divided the industry giants make millions and remain important. The other by product is the politicians maintain control and gain power. Remember "You can never let a good crisis go to waste."

We have been letting them nudge this propaganda on us for so long it's now part of our lives and just what goes on. Many grass roots groups are sprouting up to answer the call of freedom. The problem is they are sprouting with more than freedom as an agenda. Race, age, gender, sexual orientation, guns, abortion, Bible, Atheist. You name it there is a cause for you. But as long as these freedom loving groups keep freedom as their second priority the power will remain in DC. Politicians can use any or all of these to keep us divided at any time.

The conduit for them to get the information to us is the media. All the media. This has been organized quite nicely also. Fox, and talk radio spewing hate toward everything MSNBC, CNN, and CNBC say, while they fire back with the same hate.
What a great instrument of division. Then there is the Internet. Blogs just like this one, Huffinton Post, Daily Kos, Media Matters, I can't begin to name them all, and they are also on both sides. Hate, Hate, Hate. They, they, they. Even Hollywood has both sides spewing their highly informed hate.

I have decided to make my blog about uniting us again. I know it's like climbing Everest but I can't take anymore. We are all mad at the Government. Unfortunately we are all mad at the Government for very different reasons. They know this and they need it to remain that way. The only way they maintain power is if we refuse to see that we all want the same thing, but we want it for our own reasons. How about this: What say we get the government back in the hands of "We The People" first.

I work with several black guys who are convinced that racism is alive and well. These guys are making the same money as I am. We all do comparable work. We all drive vehicles that are under ten years old. Mine is 7. And we all sit and eat lunch or take breaks or meet up in halls and we talk we converse, we joke. In other words we are all equal. There is no color. Just a bunch of guys. Our Landscapers are all Mexicans. I take breaks with them, I repair their equipment, we joke, we laugh and guess what, to them I'm the gringo, to me they are the Mexicans. We get along great even at each others expense. Why because race does not exist as a wall between us. Rather, it's something we have in common. We are both different than the other. My black buddies and I are the same way. They tell me "It's a black thang", I tell them they don't know what it's like being a honky or cracka. It's all in fun to all of us. But let a manager hear us or the wrong person who has to have that division and we could all lose our jobs.

PC is the greatest division tool in this country today. I was nearly tried and executed for an email that I wrote when I told another manager about dressing a hot table differently if it wasn't hot enough for him. A table. You would have thought I had insulted his mother.
Beauty Pageants are exploiting women, You can't tell a co-worker she looks good in that dress without being hauled out on sexual harassment. If a woman, and this is more than a stretch, walked up to me and told me I look good on a particular day, and another woman heard her say it she could file HR Sexual Harassment on the woman who said it.
I have heard senior managers stumble and stumble because they had to tell a crew of men something and were afraid of just saying it because they could be charged. In front of a crew of men. No women, In a closed room. Terrified. Why. PC.

It all divides us. It's all purpose driven. Keep us suspicious of each other and we can't band together to stop the power in it's tracks. Martin and Zimmerman both did the wrong thing last year. Zimmerman trailed Martin because he was dressed a certain way, Martin turned and attacked Zimmerman because he was a cracka and was following him. One wound up dead. Either one could have identified himself and defused the situation. But because of the way we are driven by the Civil Rights Industrial complex both had hatred already boiling. Look at the rest of the country. We are all sitting on a box of power with a fuse already sticking out. All it takes is for someone like Sharpton, or the country's President to light the match. Someone else will light the fuse. Sharpton doesn't have to do that. All he has to do is light the match.

People, there is only one way we are going to stop this and that is to UNITE. We are all Americans. No hyphens. Just Americans. The first step is the 2014 election. I don't care what side you vote on. The only way we are going to fix this is to flush the DC toilet. That means "WE THE PEOPLE" re-elect no one. The entire House goes and 1/3 of the Senate goes.
People, we have no choice. we have to break up the good ol' boy club that is Washington DC. You can tell me all you want about leaving someone there who knows how DC works.
I will tell you. That is the problem. They know how it works. We need someone who doesn't. We need people who will serve us not themselves.
Make sure they are for Term Limits, no retirement for Congress. None for the President. These are the last people who need a tax payer check every month. They will be on speaking tours making millions.

Remember, United WE Stand, Divided WE Fall.
They work for us. It's time to fire them. After we get our country back we can talk about each others causes. Join hands, we need each other.

More Later
Have a great week.

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